a burnt orange blob
two squiggly lines intersecting

Falling In Love with The Arts with Courtney Sanford

a light blue bean-shaped blob
two squiggly lines intersecting
Courtney Sanford
a yellow moon-shaped cutout

Looking for ways to nurture your child’s creativity without stifling their natural genius? Join host Delise as she interviews Courtney Sanford, founder of The Delightful Art Co. and author of “Marvelous to Behold.” A former graphic designer turned homeschool mom, Courtney shares her journey of integrating art education with classical learning, discusses creative approaches to teaching art to different types of learners, and offers practical advice for parents wanting to cultivate creativity in their children.


Mark your calendar for the 2025 National Commencement, May 16-17, 2025, in sunny Southern Pines, North Carolina! This is a time for Classical Conversations families from around the nation to celebrate the hard work with fellow families on the homeschooling journey.

Register at https://classicalconversationsfoundation.org/