a burnt orange blob
two squiggly lines intersecting

Raising Two Under Two and Looking Back Over the Years with Robin Barnes

a light blue bean-shaped blob
two squiggly lines intersecting
Episode 19: Robin Barnes
a yellow moon-shaped cutout

About the Episode

Happy August! In this delightful conversation, hosts Delise and Ginny chat with Robin Barnes, a homeschool mom of three (including twins!). Having experience raising children with a ten-year age gap, Robin shares all about her motherhood journey, considering the lessons she would go back and tell her younger self, the importance of giving children encouragement, and ways busy moms can find time alone in the Scriptures. Plus, Robin reflects on her homeschooling journey. With one of her children having trouble learning to read, she speaks to dealing with situations where one child struggles in a subject that another child excels in. Lastly, Robin celebrates the best part of her motherhood journey—embracing the flexibility and freedom that come with homeschooling, allowing her more time with her children to build lifelong relationships!

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