a burnt orange blob
two squiggly lines intersecting

The Art of Celebrating Well with Laura Kooistra

a light blue bean-shaped blob
two squiggly lines intersecting
Laura Kooistra, with text that says "Celebrating Well"
a yellow moon-shaped cutout

About the Episode

It’s cause for celebration! In this last episode of the year, Delise and Ginny chat with Laura Kooistra, a Classical Conversations® employee and homeschool mom of ten children, all about celebration. And although this episode airs during the Christmas season, the three discuss more than just holiday festivities! In true classical spirit, Laura begins the conversation with her definition of “celebration,” considering whether it’s more than just an expression of thankfulness and that, at its core, celebration is really about the goodness of God. Laura shares why it’s important to celebrate, God’s direction for how and what we ought to celebrate presented in Scripture, how to find reasons for celebration amidst difficult seasons, how to make a habit of celebrating with your community, how to create celebrations in your home that become family-favorite traditions, and how to navigate your children’s different preferences for holiday celebrations. Plus, Laura talks about what celebrations look like in her own family, from celebrating holidays and birthdays to achievements and even ordinary moments. Finally, you’ll go into the new year equipped with the answer to the question: “What is wassail?”

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