Presented by Classical Conversations®

a burnt orange blob
two squiggly lines intersecting

Why, What, and How We Eat Matters With Brandice Lardner

a light blue bean-shaped blob
two squiggly lines intersecting
a yellow moon-shaped cutout

How should a Christian view food? Delise sits down with Brandice from Grace Filled Plate to discuss the powerful connection between faith and our relationship with food. Brandice shares her personal journey from struggling with disordered eating to finding true food freedom through her faith in God. Whether you’re a mom overwhelmed by meal prep or someone looking to deepen your spiritual life through daily habits, this conversation offers valuable insights and encouragement.


The Secret Garden is a beloved classic novel. The footnotes include word definitions, pronunciations, and historical context to support life-long learning, enabling students to deepen their reading and thinking skills. Wide margins encourage note taking and having “conversations” with the book and its author. 

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